Handouts - Printable EFL/ESL Kids
We offer a broad range of worksheets on this site. We are proud to say our worksheets cover every area in teaching ESL/EFL Young learners and beginners. We have handwriting worksheets, crossword puzzles, word searches, grammar sheets, coloring (colouring) exercises, reading text mazes, word scrambles and lots more. The worksheets have been carefully classified according to sets. Each set has a number of topics. This is for easy access. You can also use the Site search engine here, to quickly find what you want. Here are icons of just a few of they types of worksheets:
ESL Fun Games - Click Here
Worksheets - Set 1
Premium Phonics Worksheets & Resources from - Kizphonics.com - You've gotta see this!

Worksheets - set 2

- Actions verbs : write, read, etc
- Animal Worksheets : Farm animals, cow, horse, dog, cat
- Days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday etc.
- Food : eat, hamburger, pizza, hot-dog etc.
- Numbers 10 to 100 : eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, sixteen, seventeen etc.
- School bag : school items, pen, pencil, ruler, classroom objects
- Shapes: rectangle, circle, triangle, square etc.
- Singular Plural/Demonstrative pronouns : This, That, These, Those
- Toys vocabulary : ball, teddy, bicycle etc.
- Weather : cloudy, rainy, sunny, cold etc.
Worksheets - Set 3

- Actions - ing - Present Progressive - sleeping, eating, drinking
- Clothes & Colours - Purple, Pink, Dress, Skirt, Jacket etc
- Home/prepositions - Bedroom, Bathroom, kitchen, cooking, watching TV, sofa
- Jobs and Places - police officer, firefighter, dentist, doctor, hospital, restaurant etc.
- Months, Birthdays & Ordinal Numbers - When is your birthday? December 22nd.
- Pets : Describing pets - parrot, cat, iguana, snake, cute, friendly, playful, lazy
- Time: Telling time worksheets, O'clock (full hour) Quarter Past, Quarter to, Half past
- Transportation/Time range: car, taxi, plane, train, an hour, minutes
- Vegetables : How much are the carrots? - Carrots, Tomatoes, cucumber, onions, garlic
- Weather & clothes : Dressing for the weather - umbrella, raincoat, put on, take off, sweater, sunny
- Zoo Animals & Adjectives of appearace: Panda, Tiger, Lion, Giraffe, tall, long, short
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