ESL Kids Lessons - The Online Classroom
Learn to Read: Online Phonics Video Lessons, Phonics Games Online at- - You've gotta see this!

Phonics Games and Videos Online
ESL Fun Games - Practice Grammar, Vocabulary Online
These free courses are divided into course levels. The levels reflect the developmental stage of most Young Learners and ESL Beginners. These courses are taught through online videos, and self-grading quizzes.Follow the links below to get to the video lesson - click on the player to begin. Look, Listen and Learn. Later turn off the volume (mute) and let students try to say what they see.

- Aim: Teach letters of the alphabet
- Aim: Teach basic greetings – Hello, Hi, Goodbye.
- Aim: To teach kids how to say their names.
- Aim: Teach kids how to say their age and learn numbers 1 to 5.
- Aim: Teach kids how to count from 1 to 10.
- Aim: Teach kids how to describe things through colours.
- Aim: Teach colours vocabulary
- Aim: Teach colours through a colours songs
- Aim: Teach kids names of fruits and how to express likes.
- Aim: Teach kids parts of the body.
- Aim: Teach kids how to express ability using simple action verbs.
- Aim: Teach students how to express preference by using vocabulary related to farm animals.
- Aim: Teach words and expressions used when describing family.
- Aim: To teach words and expressions related to classroom items.
- Aim: Teach various shapes and adjectives to describe size.
- Aim: Teach singular and plurals of nouns and demonstrative pronouns.
- Aim: Teach numbers 10 to 100 and pronunciation differences between long and short vowels.
- Aim: Teach words and expressions related to toys and to ask where things are.
- Aim: Teach days of the week and some things we do weekly.
- Aim: Teach students how to ask about the weather and describe it.
- Aim: Teach students about the things we eat and express want
- Aim: Teach names of pets and give a brief description of pets using personality adjectives.
- Aim: Teach students how to tell the time and also how to talk about daily routines.
- Aim: Teach students how to tell the time using quarter to/past/ Half past etc.
- Aim: Teach students months of the year and how to tell dates using months and ordinal numbers.
- Aim: To teach kids how to describe jobs using action verbs.
- Aim: Students will learn how to describe actions in progress using the present progressive.
- Aim: Teach students different means of transport and talk about going around.
- Aim: To learn to describe what someone is wearing.
- Aim: Teach kids prepositions of place, alongside rooms and things at home.
- Aim: Teach kids vegetable vocabulary and how to go shopping for veggies.
- Aim: Teach students extra vegetable vocabulary.
- Aim: Teach kids how to talk about clothes relative to the weather.
- Aim: To teach students how to describe zoo animals by what they eat and look like.
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